it is so hard to buckle him in!! He doesn't seem
to mind it too much though :)
Here is my husband doing a great job of shoveling the
side walk. It snowed A LOT!

He was happy about something, but I don't know
what. I just can't deny him anything when he grins
at me!

Just hanging out, reading a book and playing with toys...
actually what he likes to do is take all the toys out!

excited and he is sure excited. He is really getting too big!
He has been standing on his own for a while and it was been
so neat to see his transformation from that to walking. Andy
was persistent in getting him to walk, and when he finally did,
Andy wasn't even there! And we weren't even home. We were
at Cicily's house and he just up and walked clear across the
living room! I couldn't believe me eyes!