Saturday, May 28, 2011

Poll Time!

Please vote on my poll!

1 comment:

Shelly and Ben said...

I voted...but my two cents was divided. If you pierce them NOW they are much easier to hold and get over it pretty fast. My friend, who pierced ears, said that it's MUCH easier to pierce a baby's ears than a reluctant child's. So if you DON'T do it now, wait until she's ready. Audrey asked, and asked and asked about it and finally we gave her a checklist of what she had to learn to do before we'd let her pierce them. She accomplished the list pretty fast and got her ears pierced for her 6th b-day. Marissa...well let's just say that when she finally ASKED we took her to do it and she flipped out and wouldn't even let them put the marks on her ears. LOL. So, there's my REAL two cents.
Love ya,