Here is our "G" board. It was a fun, but low-key week as we had many crazy things going on. But here is Jesse. He was confused about "Giraffe" because it doesn't start with the normal "G" sound. He is a little too young to get the differences so...we'll get there next year. He is signing "G" in this pictures too. CHEESE!
We learned about Germs. He doesn't like having dirty hands so it was very appropriate for him. He went and shook dad's hand and they both had germs they had to go and then wash off. I thought he got it until his friends showed up the next day and he said: "Here let me shake your hand. Now you have germs." like it was fun? Oh well, we'll get there :)
Miss booger eating blueberry scones (read on)
Previously mentioned blueberry scones. SOOOO yummy! Go here for recipe (from my Aunt Candy's blog). They were so easy and I made them in no time for breakfast one morning!
I have been feeling particularly crafty this week and made this eye-mask for myself. The morning light always wakes me up and keeps me awake so this was perfect. Jesse was kinda freaked out in the morning when he found me with it on.....
Coloring page from school.
For my dad's 64th birthday I made him a special treat. Candied ginger. Personally, can't stand the stuff. Even soaked in syrup and coated in sugar. EVEN dipped in chocolate (see next picture). BUT if you (or a loved one) is a ginger lover then this is a must-try. It was a big hit- not only with dad but with my little brother Paul and sister Kristin. Go here for recipe. Another easy and fun to make recipe.
Ginger dipped in dark chocolate (after it has been candied). Again- a big hit!
While at my mom and dad's we did a photo-shoot of sorts. My mom is a great photographer and has taken classes to perfect her skill. She is buying newer and newer gadgits and why not take advantage of those and let her practice? :) following is what we ended up with:

(love this one)

yep. they liked it

Which one is your fav?