So here is our Easter post. We really didn't do much besides relax and spend time together and with family. Jesse woke up on Easter to his first Easter basket, but we didn't do an egg hunt because I knew he wouldn't understand what was going on. So here is a few pictures, including his cute church outfit.

When he figured out candy was inside the eggs, he stepped on them and
then put them in his mouth, foil and all. what a little booger!

This was the only picture I could get of him before he HAD
to have the camera. He is quite the stubborn little thing lately!
Today he has been on time-out for pulling open the door on the entertainment
center when I told hime "NO!" He was on time-out three times! ARGH! :)
Here are a few other of his favorite things:

Playing on the computer he can barely reach..... and playing in time-out like he did nothing wrong. Little stinker. :)
Update on moving-we have had several leads on tenants in our house. I am glad that I worked for a property management company because I know the ins and outs of renting. We have a lease and an application so we are ready! We have several people coming to look at it in the next few days. I sure hope one works out. Brent (andy's brother) has cleaned his room and bathroom so it is a space that I can live with. :) So andy has ten days off and hopefully he gets some progress done on moving. We will see. Until later!