Sorry it has taken me SOO long to post something but
SO much has been going on! Lets start about two weeks
ago- andy went to the hopsital because he was dehydrated
and that costs us a pretty penny. Andy's sister Chrisitina
got married, Andy's brother robert started dating someone
(this is a big deal people!), and My mom came for a week, I got
the same flu andy got, and then ending today- we took Jesse
into Kidscare for a temperature of 103. That pretty
much sums it up. so stay away from us for a while! :)
While my mom was here we went to the rodeo,
a parade, and Anteloupe Island, which I had never been
to but it was VERY fun! We almost had a run-in
with a buffalo. Other news- Jesse had his first grahm
lap practically all day and barely moved- it was
actually a little scarey!!!! And he was burning up!
But have no fear- within a few minutes of taking
children's motrin (which he can now take since he
is 6+ months) he was right as rain and back to
his happy little self.