Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jesse's First Haircut!

It's time for the first haircut! He thinks
he is pretty excited.
He was squaking at himself in the mirror
before his haircut. He had never seen himself
before in a full length mirror and he thought it
was pretty cool.

what the?

uh i don't think i like this anymore
dad- save me!
clinging for life to dad's shoulder

well i am dumb and forgot to take an after pictures.
But it was cute and a very good haircut



What a cutie he is! Great pictures!

F said...

i absolutely LOVE that first picture of him! he's turning into such a little man!

by the way, I'm about to post like, mass memory pictures that i recently found, and i realized that i need to come steal pictures from yours and andrea's laptops. if they're still there that is... that WAS like 3 years ago.

anyway he's super cute megs!

Farr & Co. - Est. 1999 said...

The peach jam is the best ever, I will have to make it with you next year!!