Tuesday, April 22, 2008

taking a pacifier!!

no new pictures today, but i am happy to say that this day has started out VERY well! We finally got jesse to start on his new schedule of taking a nice long nap in the morning, one in the afternoon and tonight we will see how he is about sleeping in his crib- FINALLY! After spending the weekend at Will and Julie's, I was able to learn some valuable tips from my very wise sister-in-law. Tip # 1: schedules are important. Tip #2: overfeeding may cause an upset stomach. Tip #3: babies like to be bundled even when they are three months old. Tip #4: entertaining is more than just sitting your kid in front of the tv. So there you go. I thought i knew all of these things were important, but after watching her get him to take a nice long nap and see the benefits of it, i cannot help but listen to everything she says! He slept so well last night and i feel more refreshed and happy than the last...well month really. Anyway- this weekend my parents were down from Oregon and we enjoyed their short visit. My mom took me to ross for some birthday shopping while my dad held jesse- we even caught him dozing off outside the dressing room while we were getting some clothes. Jesse sure loves his papa! He cooed and talked to him before he even warmed up to grandma! I will have some pictures soon of our fun weekend!

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