It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Here we are decorating our lovely, fake, tree. It really is a nice size for our family and our apartment, even though I would like to have a real one :)

Jesse was SOOO excited he couldn't stop moving!

A couple days later we decided to try our hand at some holiday snowflakes.

Well I was making the snowflakes, Jesse was just cutting up paper.


The only reason we were able to is because Charlie was being good. She has her moments, but when she is good she is good!

The after-affects of the snowflakes. Jesse told me where he wanted them to go and we put them up. We even put up one of his own creations. Most beautiful I would say

Our little town puts on a holiday festival each year and Andy was working so I went with some friends, Britannia and Justin. Jesse enjoyed sitting on Justin's shoulders.

The lighted camas tree.

There was even a police car that Jesse was able to sit in. AND he got to turn on the lights!! The cop asked if he wanted to see the back but Jesse didn't want to. Too bad...

We had the chance to sit on Santa's lap (Jesse did) but I asked Jesse and his response was: "Yeahhh, NO! No I don't want to sit on Santa Clause lap." Not a fan of strangers in costumes- must be related to me.
Happy Holidays everyone!