Well, we finally got a new camera- just a cheapy one, and I am still getting used to the settings and finding the best ones for each situation. That is why you will find a few blurry and funny colored pictures in this post......
To start off our month, it was Andy's birthday- his 26th!! Man he is getting old! But still young at heart :) He wanted a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting so I tried to make it look a little more masculine with some chocolate piping on the top. I am not good at piping so it turned out looking a little bit...sloppy. Still yummy though.

Jesse is CRAZY about birthdays and any opportunity that he can sing happy birthday to someone he does- including himself on random occasions. Here he is enjoying some cake!

A silly face (suppose to be a smile).

One day I became ambitious (and was feeling the nesting vibe big time) and decided to make some pretzels! They were wheat and quite tasty but Andy didn't LOVE them so the next batch was made with half wheat and half regular flour. I am LOVING them and have made them several times since. A good snack!

Toppings were: sesame seeds, cinnamon and sugar, and kosher salt (for the second time I made them).

We grew tomatoes this year and they went a little crazy- there are two planted in a pot on our balcony and I am amazed they both survived. It is the 11th of August and we have eaten two red ones so far with many more to come!

In our spare time, Andy and I have taken up cribbage quite seriously. There was a time when he beat me over and over (seriously like 20 times in a row) but now the beginners luck has worn off for him and we compete evenly. It is a fun way to enjoy some quite time and do something together.

Jesse building some blocks.

The family reunion we have once every two years came up with year and we headed to the beach (Barview) to camp and attend the festivities. It was just Jesse and I camping with my sister Anne, Bro-in-law Matt, Paul and his gf Kayla, and a bit later Kristin. It was fun, but tiring. Lets just say and I am NOT going camping again during this pregnancy without Andy. Jesse was good but keeping an eye on him was busy- this was his 2nd camping trip EVER!

We went to one of our favorite beaches Cape Mear. I locked my keys in the car and my cousin, Brent, helped me fix the problem. Thanks Brent!!!

Of course we had to have a bonfire and roast hot dogs. This particular hot dog was dropped in the sand because Jesse insisted that he hold it- but then I wiped it off and insisted that he eat it. Ha..thats what you get you little stink! :)

Anne and Matt brought up their kyack and let Jesse go for his first ride! He seemed to love it, although he sat very stiffly the entire time! I didn't get a chance to go but I wasn't all the broken up because water isn't my favorite thing- especially when I am prego.

Off they go (Uncle Matt, Jesse, and cousin Than)

During the reunion they had a sawdust coin hunt and Jesse (with a little help from Auntie Kristin and Mom) found a nice little pile! It was dusty but fun. :)

It has been a while since we visited Tillamook so we made a quick stop at the cheese factory and did the traditional things: take a cow picture,

hug (and kiss) the cows,

spy on the workers,

and of course eat some ice cream. This particular variety was sticky bun. YUM!

This was the last morning of camping and I had given up trying to keep Jesse clean. He rolled around, sat in, and kick the dirt.

This was his favorite spot because you could see the neighbors next door. They were Asian and had some cute little girls that talked to Jesse.

Andy and I laughed when we saw what Jesse made the other day. Jesse LOVES to watch this music video by Ben Folds (and practically has all the songs memorized). He usually plays his piano, but this day his bright little mind made up this microphone to sing into as well out of his pipes. It is now a common occurrence.

Well, that is all for now, but I am sure more pictures are to come! I am 7 and 3/4 months along and it is going quickly! I recently changed OB's and am hoping this new one is a little more....understanding. The next couple of weeks are filled with more camping trips and spending time together as a family awaiting our new arrival!