This month has been an odd one for us...we are going through many changes in our family right now but more specifically Jesse. After turning two he went through a period of "unrest" I guess you could call it and wouldn't sleep in his crib and was crankier than usual- throwing the ultimate fits. So we have switched to a toddler bed (which I forgot to get a picture of). He is doing much better now! He also went to a doctors appointment for his 2 year check-up and I was a little nervous about the new doctor. I was impressed with the staff- they were professional
but knowledgeable and very aware of Jesse's needs and frights. They had him put on this robe for the examination and I thought it was the cutest and funniest thing! Jesse wasn't quite sure what to think....
For Valentine's Day I decided to start a new tradition that we always did in our family. I got up early Sunday morning to make Andy and Jesse a special breakfast and spent the night before
making a (cheesy) Valentine's card. I had fun doing it and I am excited to keep up the tradition! (It's a fruit pizza by the way)
making a (cheesy) Valentine's card. I had fun doing it and I am excited to keep up the tradition! (It's a fruit pizza by the way)
One Andy's day off this week we went up to Lacamas Lake to take a look around and go for a little walk. We found a trail that took us to the end of a peninsula of sorts and spent a while throwing in rocks and sticks and anything jesse could pick up. It was beautiful day and we are loving the area we have moved to!!
Here is just a cute pictures I found of my boys reading some books together.

This picture needs a little explanation. During Jesse's period of "unrest," he started doing things he hadn't done since he was a newborn: ONLY wanting to sleep in our bed (only happened about 3 times for naps), falling asleep while I was holding him, and being able to move him while sleeping and having him not wake up! It was the weirdest thing! This pictures was one day around noon. He had gone to bed about midnight the night before (only because he cried in his crib about 3 hours) and then didn't wake up until noon or one!!! I had picked him up out of his
crib and he stayed asleep! I played with his toes, pinched his cheeks etc.. and he wouldn't
wake up! Lets just say I am happy he is somewhat back to his old routine and
I get some time to myself each night :)
I get some time to myself each night :)
Anne invited me over one day to do some scrapbooking. I am no expert, in fact this was probably my first time. These next pages were done with the help of Anne and her good advice! We decided to make an "adventure book" of Jesse and a few highlights of his life. I loved doing it and it wasn't so overwhelming that I couldn't figure out what to make. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to keep working on it!
Other updates: I am getting fingerprinted soon for my washington license and will then have a teacher certificate to teach in the state of washington. I am looking forward to teaching again (probably substituting) because I feel it has been a while and I may be looking my touch (even though it was only since December)! Our house is mostly put together and it is good to feel moved in and comfortable. Andy is adjusting to his schedule and we are looking forward to a big year!