Saturday, November 29, 2008

November into December

Here is our lovely fake little tree. We are actually
grateful for it because without it we would have no
Christmas tree! So here is us decorating it. Well only
one picture and then the finished product, but it was
was fun. Andy didn't do a bad job this year!

Ta da! It's done

Here is a lovely little mess Jesse likes to
make everyday. I put all the videos on the bottom so that he can't
get at my books. He sure likes to make messes!

And here is my little man looking out the window
He likes to be read to

And we are starting him on veggies early. (I wish
I had gotten the face he made afterwards)

He was trying to find what we were crunching!
We had a ton of leaves to rake up so we took andy outside
to do it with us. He was all bundled up
and looked pretty cute!

until next time! Jesse has learned to dance- video to come soon!