I promsied pictures of my house to Anne about a year ago,
so I am FINALLY getting around to them. The thing I like about
my house is that it seems very ordinary on the outside and
then when you walk inside it is very nice! Newly painted walls,
nice carpet, and we didn't have to do a single thing to it! It wasn't
until my mom came that she made some changes to the inside
to make it a little more...colorful.

These are the flower gardens that Andy made for me last
year for my mother's day present. I love them, and just getting
around to planting flowers. There are the small rose bushes,
a taller rose bush on the other side, and some Lupine starters.
I have found a new hobby!!
Okay so this isn't a great picture but this is what my tree in my front
yard has all over it! I have not quite figured out what kind of tree it
is but it is very pretty in the spring.
These are some of the decorations that Mom made. New
curtains, new pictures, new lamps and practically a new bathroom:

So this is my house! We have been living here for over a year now!