this is my favorite picture of him smiling so far

sometimes i swear he almost laughs

not so much a smile, but this is to show how big he looks

So Jesse is becoming very active. In fact last night when i woke up, he had some how managed to roll onto his stomach, which really shouldn't be possible at almost six weeks. Anyway, this video doesn't only show his active side, but this is my new favorite outfit on him- it makes him look so big!! And very much like a boy :)
my mom and I were constantly trying to catch Jesse smiling in his sleep, and i came up with an easy solution: video tape him. This is just a small piece of how cute he is when he is sleeping. He also makes the cutes whining noises when he sleeps too but you would have to be here to get the idea. He smiled for real at Andy yesterday while i was at work....pretty soon he will be talking and I imagine with my luck his first words will be "dada." Oh well......