Sunday, September 18, 2011

"F" week!!

So far so good on my weekly posts :) It at least makes me feel good about myself. Here is my little man looking so grown up! He wore his first zip-up tie today and it was just too cute. I can't believe he will be 4 in January! Love this kid!
Here is my other little squirt growing up quickly too! This week she has decided to perfect walking because she is taking more and more steps! She is in love with Jesse's Piano that he got for Christmas when he was one. It's fun that she loves it too.
For one of our topics during our "F" week of preschool, we learned about feelings. We tried to decided what Calvin was feeling here and even made some of the faces. Following is the photo shoot of silly faces :) (see if you can match Jesse's face with Calvin's face)

We also learned how to fold, and make fans. :) fun!
And lastly, our "F" board. Full of lots of goodies that helped up remember what starts with f. Jesse has really taken off lately with the beginning sounds of words. He tries to figure out what everything starts with. My favorites so far (not that they are all this way): "chip. chhh, chhh, chhh.....T for chips! Right mama?" or "Drink, dr, dr, drrr...J is for drink!" Now if you say those two words you will realize why those sounds are so hard for a three year old to understand!
Oh and he has learned how to spell and write "Jacob" (his best friend), "mama" and "dada" on his own. So fuN! Until next week!


JDS said...

What a great feelings activity! Keep the updates coming I LOVE them!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

Awe! Jacob would be so proud :)